How Host-Read Ad Campaigns Run on RedCircle

Learn all the nuances about Ad Campaigns on RedCircle!

The campaign runs a little differently depending on whether the advertiser selected all of your episodes or only ones within a specific time frame.

For campaigns spanning all episodes:

For these campaigns, the advertiser is buying certain positions (pre, mid, and/or post-roll) across all your episodes. As a reminder, when you create an episode, we automatically add 1 Pre-Roll, 1 Mid-Roll, and 1 Post-Roll Insertion Point to your episodes. We then automatically assign one of the two Default Ad Audio Blocks (Default Pre & Post Roll and Default Mid-Roll) to the newly created Insertion Points.

It’s very important to do the following in order for the ad to successfully run on your show:

  • Make sure that your most recent episodes still have the two default Ad Blocks ("Pre & Post Roll Ad Audio Block" and "Mid-Roll Ad Audio Block") insertion points in them in the correct positions. If you’ve removed these insertion points from your recent episodes, the campaign will not run!
  • Move your insertion points to timestamps in your episodes that sound natural for an ad break. Otherwise, it is very likely that the ad cuts you off and plays in the middle of a sentence.
  • You can update your insertion points by going into your RedCircle account and clicking Episodes > Click into a recent episode > Click Insertion Points.

When the campaign starts, we dynamically insert your host-read ad audio for this campaign into the Default Ad Audio Block(s) assigned to the positions indicated by the brand, across your entire catalog.

For campaigns that are labeled “Pre and Mid”, the ad is inserted into either a pre-roll or a mid-roll spot for each download. The ad audio is only inserted once into each download, so your listeners won’t get fatigued hearing the same audio over and over!

Ads automatically stop playing once the set number of impressions for the campaign has been reached or at the campaign end date, whichever comes first. When you are invited to a campaign, the invitation tells you whether or not the campaign has a “hard end date”. A hard end date means that the ad stops playing on that date even if it hasn’t yet reached the set number of impressions. Check out our Help article for help on maximizing your inventory.

Important: Do not bake-in or edit in your ad read into your episode’s audio file. Our dynamic insertion technology inserts the ad for you.

For campaigns running on recent episodes only:

Advertisers are also given the option to run their campaign on the most recent episodes (episodes that are 30 days old or newer). For these types of campaigns, you must publish new episodes to ensure the campaign runs until fulfilled.

You have the opportunity to configure your insertion points when you upload a new episode. As a reminder, we automatically add either of the two Default Ad Audio Block(s) to your pre-roll, post-roll, and to your mid-roll Insertion Points.

Whatever position the brand is buying on your podcast, make sure that one of the two Default Ad Audio Block(s) is assigned to an Insertion Point at a timestamp that sounds natural for an ad break. You don’t want to be cut off in the middle of a sentence!

We dynamically insert your host-read ad for the campaign into your new episodes once the campaign goes live. The ad is assigned to the insertion point position specified by the advertiser. So, if the advertiser selected a mid-roll spot, then the ad is assigned to the mid-roll spot Insertion Point.

Important: Do not bake-in or edit in your ad read into your episode’s audio file. Our dynamic insertion technology inserts the ad for you.

Congrats on completing your first (or 10th, or 50th, or even 100th) Host-Read campaign on RedCircle! Eager for more? Learn what brands look for when renewing campaigns!