How to Access RedCircle’s Advertiser Platform

Gain access to RedCircle and start your first campaign!

Welcome to RedCircle! Let’s get you set up so you can start sharing your brand’s messaging.

Sign Up for an Account
Request a Login

Sign Up for an Account

If you’re completely new to RedCircle, meaning you’re the first at your company to give us a try, then the first step is to sign up for an Advertiser account. Click on Sign Up on our website or follow this link:

Select I’m an Advertiser from the listed options:

Fill out the form with the required information and click the red Submit button to apply. You should receive an email confirmation letting you know that your interest has been recorded.

After your interest has been approved, you should receive another email from RedCircle to complete your Sign Up:

Simply click the red Complete Sign Up button to automatically be taken to RedCircle to finish the setup process. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the sign up.

Once you’ve set a password for your account, you’re ready to start your first campaign!

Request a Login

If your company is already using RedCircle, but you’re brand new to the platform, then you’ll need to speak with your Account Manager in order to receive a log in. You can contact our Ad Ops team through email or through this Contact Form:

They’ll provide you with both your login as well as a brief introduction to RAP.