How to Create a Campaign

Learn how to create advertising campaigns on RedCircle!

We’re thrilled that you’re beginning your podcast advertising journey! We’re here every step of the way to help you create a successful campaign. Let’s get started with setting up your first one!

When you sign in to your RedCircle account for the first time you should see a red Create Campaign button:

Click that button to start creating your very first campaign on RedCircle.

Step 1: Campaign Details
Step 2: Product
Step 3: Target Audience
Step 4: Distribution Reach
Step 5: Summary
View the Campaign Page
Edit Campaign

Step 1: Campaign Details

The first step in creating a campaign is filling out your campaign details, which includes:

  • The name of your campaign
  • Your brand name
  • The product name and its description
  • The website (if applicable)

This information is shown to podcasters when you invite them to your campaign.

If your accounting department requires a reference number, insertion order number, or purchase order number for your campaign invoice, you can add that in the Reference Number field; this field is used for invoicing only and will not be shared with podcasters.

Required information is denoted by an asterisk (*).

Click the red Save & Continue button to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Product

Here you can note whether or not you’ll be sending a product sample for the podcast host. You can also require that the podcast host personally endorse the product. Podcasters will see this information when you invite them to join your campaign.

Required information is denoted by an asterisk (*).

Click the red Save & Continue button to move on to the next step.

Step 3: Target Audience

This step allows you to filter shows on RedCircle by target demographic, so you can see the podcasts that would best fit your campaign.

Required information is denoted by an asterisk (*).

Click the red Save & Continue button to move on to the next step.

Step 4: Distribution Reach

The next step is to decide the reach of your campaign. There are a lot of important decisions to be made on this page, so we’ll review each one separately.


A campaign with even pacing means that it will be inserted evenly across the entire campaign timeline, while no pacing means that your campaign will be inserted as quickly as possible. Even pacing is recommended for advertisers looking to keep a consistent level of engagement across the campaign timeline.

Frequency Capping

This feature allows you to limit the number of times your campaign is heard by repeat listeners. Choosing to cap the frequency of your campaign prevents listener fatigue as they won’t be hearing the ad as frequently.

You can choose how often they hear the ad each week or each month. Check out our blog post on the frequency capping feature for more information.

Campaign Deadlines

You can set the campaign end date as a hard date, meaning it will end on that set date even if the full number of impressions is not reached.

Recent Episode Limit

You can decide whether or not you want your campaign to only appear on recent episodes. This option depends on the content of the podcast itself as many shows have a large back catalog with plenty of listeners. For example, shows with more timely content may be better suited for campaigns marked as “recent episodes only”. Meanwhile, podcasts with a through-line story may have more listeners that span across their entire catalog, so limiting your campaign to only the most recent episodes may be disadvantageous in that scenario.

Episodes are limited to those published in the last 30 days from the start of your campaign.

Ad Roll Placement

Here you can choose where in the episodes you want your ad to appear. Ads assigned to the Pre-Roll position play within the first 10% of the episode, ads assigned to the Mid-Roll position play 10% to 90% of the way through the episode, and ads assigned to the Post-Roll position play within the last 10% of the episode. Note that the precise timestamp of where your ad plays in any given download varies based on where in the episode podcasts have set their ad insertion points, and on how many ads are inserted into that particular download for that listener.

Required information is denoted by an asterisk (*).

Click the red Save & Continue button to move on to the next step.

Step 5: Summary

This page shows you a quick overview of the choices made. To make any changes, simply click the Save & Back button to edit any aspect of the campaign.

Click the red View Campaign button when you’re satisfied with your choices.

View the Campaign Page

Congratulations! You’ve created your first campaign on RedCircle! The next step is to add podcasts to your campaign.

But before that, you also have an opportunity to edit your campaign by clicking the Details tab near the top.

Edit Campaign

You can edit any part of your campaign by clicking the red Edit link in the top right corner of the section. You can make updates to the campaign until it's been sent out to your selected shows. You’re also able to add shows even after the campaign has been sent out, though make sure it’s before the start date!