How to Vet Podcasts

Send out interest before committing to a campaign!

We’re always working on ways to improve the experience for both advertisers and podcasters alike. Our vetting process allows advertisers to send a quick questionnaire to any chosen podcasts before a campaign even starts. The questionnaire helps to gauge interest in the campaign and prevent unexpected declines. Let’s take a closer look at how it works!

Creating & Sending the Questionnaire
Viewing Status of Vetting Questionnaire
Send Reminders
Viewing Vetting Responses

Creating & Sending the Questionnaire

The first step in vetting selected podcasts is to create and send out the questionnaire. Go to your cart and select Vet Cart from the “Cart Options” list:

You should then be taken to the Vetting page where you can create a questionnaire for the selected podcasts.

Enter the name of your company and a quick description of the planned campaign. Next, you can set visibility settings for the podcasts in your campaign. You can decide whether or not to share the budget and/or the timeline with them. 

After deciding on the visibility settings, you can add additional vetting questions similar to the default required participation question. (This question cannot be altered.)

Additional questions are completely customizable, though! Simply enter a prompt and select the answer type from the following options:

  • Yes/No
  • Short Text
  • Long Text
  • Multiple Choice

The Yes/No, Short Text, and Long Text options do not require any further information. Simply mark the checkbox next to Required if you wish for the question to be required.

The Multiple Choice answer option does need additional information to be completed. Fill out the choices, select whether or not you want to accept more than one answer, and select whether or not you want to include an “other” choice selection.

Finally, after you’re satisfied with your vetting questionnaire, you can select the podcasts from the cart that you want to send this survey to:

You can even set a due date for responses by clicking on the date box located near the top-left of the pop-up screen.

Next, you’ll be asked if you’re certain that you wish to send a vetting request to the selected podcasts. Review the information and click Send to send it off.

Vetting requests cannot be edited after they’ve been sent.

Congrats! You’ve sent your first vetting questionnaire!

Viewing Status of Vetting Questionnaire

You can view the status of the vetting request in the Cart by clicking View Details:

In the above example, you can see that this vetting request was sent to the podcaster on 10/31 and the response due date is 11/1.

Podcasts that haven’t been set a vetting questionnaire will display “none” in the Vetting column:

Send Reminders

Advertisers have the option to send reminders to selected podcasts to ensure they receive timely responses.

To send a reminder, simply click on the “Cart Options” button and select Send Reminders from the drop-down menu: 

You can send an optional message along with your friendly reminder if you’d like!

Click the red Send Reminder button to send it off.

Viewing Vetting Responses

Advertisers can view the responses from each individual show by clicking View Responses underneath the podcast name:

Be sure to let us know if you run into any issues! You can reach out to our Ad Ops team at or through the contact form below: