Adding and Formatting Tracking Pixels

How to add and properly format tracking pixels for your ad campaign

Being able to track the success of your campaign is an important concern! Through our Tracking URL feature, you’re able to implement multiple Tracking Pixels and monitor the success of your ad campaigns.

Note: The ability to add Tracking Pixels is only available for members on the Pro and Enterprise Plans.

What is a Tracking Pixel?
Where to find the Tracking URL field
How to add a Tracking Pixel to Custom Audio

What is a Tracking Pixel?

A “Tracking Pixel” is a small snippet of code that allows you to gather information about visitors to a website. Tracking Pixels often appear as a long URL string. Why is this important to podcast advertisers? Well, this provides the brand running the campaign information confirming that the ad was served. Brands will often use an “Impressions Tracking Pixel” to track the number of listeners their ad has reached.

The brand you’re working with may request that you add a unique Tracking Pixel to the campaign.

Where to find the Tracking URL field

The only place you can add a Tracking Pixel for a campaign is the Custom Audio tab on the Dynamic Insertions page. You should see the Tracking URL field when creating or editing a Custom Audio file:

Simply enter your Tracking Pixel URL in the text field and click Save to apply the change. And that’s it!

How to add a Tracking Pixel to Custom Audio

As mentioned above, you can enter the Tracking Pixel URL in the Tracking URL field in your Custom Audio file.

If you click the “> URL Macros” drop-down under the Tracking URL field, you’ll find all the supported macros (as well as what they mean):

Macros are special labels or markers used in click and impression URLs to get additional information about ad campaigns.

If the brand you’re working with requests that you add multiple Tracking Pixel URLs to your campaign, you can do so by entering three vertical lines, |||, in between each Tracking Pixel URL.

And that’s it for Tracking Pixels!