
Make it easier for listeners to support you with our Donations feature

RedCircle offers a donations feature that allows you to collect one-time or recurring donations from your dedicated audience. Your listeners can send you a few dollars (or more!) in less than a minute. Read on to learn more!

Enabling Donations
Understanding Fees

Enabling Donations

Be sure to first connect your bank account to Stripe, otherwise, you won’t be able to set up this feature.

To enable Donations, navigate to your podcast’s page on RedCircle and select Donations from the available options (in the gray boxes):

Use RedCircle to collect donations for your podcast from your audience and listeners

Click on the red Enable Monetization button to turn on Donations:

Use RedCircle to collect donations for your podcast from your audience and listeners

And voilà! You’re all set up to start receiving donations:

Use RedCircle to collect donations for your podcast from your audience and listeners

Click on the red Copy Donations Link link right underneath your podcast’s artwork to share the Donations page with your fans. Here’s a quick view of what that page will look like to them:

When donating, they have the choice to donate a default amount or a custom:

Use RedCircle to collect donations for your podcast from your audience and listeners

One last note: At this time, it’s not possible to view who donated to your podcast. We don’t collect any personal information for one-time donations as to minimize the amount of steps for someone to donate.

Understanding Fees

We founded RedCircle to help podcasters freely create, easily grow, and seamlessly monetize their work. While RedCircle does take a fee for providing its donations service, we want to make sure we give the most money possible to the person who deserves it most; you, the creator.

In order to process the credit card transaction, Stripe takes its standard 2.9% + $0.30 fee on each charge. In addition, RedCircle collects a 4.5% share of the transaction in return for its services. Stripe takes an additional $0.25 for the transfer when you cash out your balance to your bank account.


You receive 3 tips this month for $1.99, $1.99, and $4.99.  When you transfer them to your bank:

  • Tip 1: $1.99 - (2.9% of $1.99) - ($0.30)  - (4.5% of 1.99) =  $1.54
  • Tip 2: $1.99 - (2.9% of $1.99) - ($0.30)  - (4.5% of 1.99) = $1.54
  • Tip 3: $4.99 - (2.9% of $4.99) - ($0.30)  - (4.5% of 4.99) = $4.33
Your total after Stripe fees and RedCircle share: $7.41

Your final total after $0.25 Stripe cash-out fee: $7.16