How to Add Your Show to RedCircle

Add your show to RedCircle and join OpenRAP

Welcome to RedCircle! We’re glad to have you! Before you’re able to start monetizing, you need to add your show to our platform.

There is currently a waitlist to join RedCircle and OpenRAP.

The first step is to select Import Podcast rather than Create New Podcast:

Enter in the name of your show or the associated RSS Feed:

Make sure to certify that you own the rights to the podcast. Click the red Import button to continue.

The following screen asks whether or not you wish to keep your current host:

Select the second option if you plan to keep your current host.

And that’s it! Your show has been added to RedCircle and is ready for set up. Click the red Setup and Verify VAST link in the yellow banner to set up VAST:

See our Help article, How to Set Up VAST, for more information.