How to Get More Ad Deals

Check out these tips to score more Host-Read Ads!

Opening your show up to Host-Read Ad opportunities can be incredibly exciting! But advertisers have an array of shows to choose from, how can you ensure that your podcast is selected? We’ve curated this article with the most helpful tips to improve your chances of winning ad deals!

Make Sure Your Show & Branding is “Brand Safe”

Does your show cover content that brands want to be associated with? Does your podcast's image and title portray a show that a brand will be comfortable with?

You want to ensure that your podcast and associated content aligns with the brands you’re interested in working alongside. Brands are often weary of content that may go against their values (and vice versa!) Some brands like controversial or risque content, while others never buy an ad on those types of shows. So be careful about how you position yourself!

Evaluate your show and determine what sort of brands you think would work well with your content.

Keep Growing!

The larger your audience, the more likely you are to be considered for Ad deals. While we do encourage our advertisers to look for an array of audience sizes, it’s always a good idea to increase your listenership.

There’s plenty you can do to increase your audience! Network with other podcasters by trying out our Cross-Promotions Marketplace, make sure your show is distributed on every possible listening platform, don’t be afraid to share your show with everyone you know, employ some tried-and-true marketing methods, and more!

Check out these Blog Posts for advice on how to grow your audience:

Consider Your Pricing

Spending is often a big factor when it comes to deciding on shows. You want to make sure that your CPM (cost per thousand downloads) is consistent with the market. Luckily, we make it easy for you to know whether or not you’re in a good range:

Adjusting your CPM rates can help make your show that much more attractive to advertisers! If you're not winning deals, then consider lowering your price to make your show more attractive. You can always increase your prices again, especially when you begin to fill up your ad slots more consistently.

Pitch the Brand

If a Brand Inquiry form gives you an opportunity to pitch the brand on why your podcast is a great fit — go for it! Don’t be afraid to share why your show fits perfectly with their brand. Maybe you share similar values or you’re a huge fan of the brand already. For example, you could create a video or audio pitch and share the URL with prospective advertisers.

Anything unique and creative to help your show stand out or to help our team highlight your podcast can go a long way! For even more tips, check out or blog articles on how to make your vetting responses stand out and how to sell your show to potential partners!

We hope you find these tips helpful! Check out our advice on how to absolutely nail your first Host-Read Ad, what you need before accepting your first Host-Read Ad, stellar advice from our very own podcasters on how to create an astounding Host-Read Ad, and even how to impress your brand partners and score that renewal!