I Deleted My Podcast, But It’s Still Showing Up On Listening Platforms

Is your deleted show still showing up on Spotify or other listening platforms? Check out this article for the solution!

Once a show is deleted from the RedCircle Platform, there isn’t much that can be done to remove it from the various listening platforms, on our side at least.

You can remove your show through either the platforms’ tools or by contacting their Support teams. See below for each specific platform.


You need to contact Spotify’s Support team in order to remove your show from their directory. You can contact them here, https://help.spotifyforpodcasters.com/hc/en-us/articles/12584441279131-Contact-us, or by emailing podcaster-support@spotify.com.

Apple Podcasts

Log in to your Apple Podcasts Connect account and click on your show. Scroll to the very bottom until you see the Archive Show link, underneath More Actions:

Confirm that you wish to archive the show and you’re all set:

Amazon Music

Log in to your Amazon Music for Podcasters account and click on the three dots (...) next to your show. Select Hide to hide your show from listeners and make it inaccessible:

See their Help Center for more information.

Other Platforms

We recommended reaching out to the Support teams of the other listening platforms to remove your show from their platform. Please see our Help article here for each listening platform’s contact information.