Navigating the RAP Host-Read Campaign Dashboard

Learn how to use the Host-Read Dashboard like a pro!

All Host-Read Ad campaigns can be found in the “Campaign Dashboard”, which is easily accessed by clicking on Ad Platform from the menu on the left side of the page.

The Campaign Dashboard shows you all campaigns that you’ve ever received and their current statuses:

Campaigns can be in one of 9 different stages:

  • Brand Inquiry - An advertiser wants to see if your show would be a good fit for their upcoming campaign. 
  • Pending Invite - Congrats! This advertiser is interested in working with you. Respond to their invite with a yes or a no.

  • Invite Expired - Uh oh. The campaign was waiting a bit too long for a response. Be sure to respond to campaign invites within 5 days of receiving them!

  • Invite Declined - Not feeling it, huh? No worries! You can decline any ad without issue.

  • Awaiting Script - Scripts aren’t required to be uploaded until a specified date for campaigns starting in 15+ days. Sit back and relax until the brand uploads the script or talking points.

  • Upload Audio - Time to record the ad and upload it!

  • Not Started - The audio’s been received, but the campaign has yet to start.

  • In Progress - Hooray! The campaign is currently running!

  • Paused - The campaign has been paused. This can happen for any number of reasons. We’ll be sure to send an update along!

  • Complete - The campaign is finished! Great work!

You can change the view of the Dashboard to only see Accepted campaigns, campaigns with Pending Actions, or campaigns currently Running. Just click on the named tabs next to All to switch up the view.

To view a specific campaign, simply click on the name underneath the Campaign column. You’re only able to view new, current, and completed campaigns. Expired campaigns cannot be viewed.

You may also notice your earnings just above all the campaigns. Host-Read Earnings and Programmatic Earnings show the total amount of revenue you’ve earned for each Ad type. Projected Host-Read Earnings and Projected Programmatic Earnings show the projected revenue you’ll earn for each ad type for the month. The projected numbers are subject to change as they are only estimates.

Check out the “Viewing & Accepting Host-Read Ads” Help article for more information.