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Migrate Podcast Between RedCircle Accounts

How to move shows between RedCircle accounts

Redirecting your show between two RedCircle accounts works essentially the same as an off-platform redirect. You import the show to the new RedCircle account, set up the redirect on the old account, and then you’re good to go!

This article walks you through how to successfully migrate your show between two Redcircle accounts.

Step 1: Prepare Your Podcast for Import
Step 2: Import Your Podcast to the New RedCircle Account
Step 3: Set Up a Redirect from the Old RedCircle Account
Step 4: Verify the Redirect

Step 1: Prepare Your Podcast for Import

The very first step is to ensure that your podcast is ready to be moved to the new RedCircle account.

We generally recommend opting out of RAP and unassigning Custom Audio Blocks from episodes before migrating. Opting out of RAP removes any ads that are currently in your podcast, while unassigning Custom Audio Blocks removes any Custom Audio Clips that are present in your podcast.

Opting out of RAP and unassigning Custom Audio Blocks prevents ads and other audio from being “burned-in” to your show.

You can opt out of RAP the same way that you opted in. Visit the Ad Platform page on RedCircle and click on the red RAP Settings button located near the top-right side of the page. Then, unmark the checkboxes next to “Host-Read Ads” and “Programmatic Ads”.

You can find step-by-step instructions on how to unassign Audio Blocks from your podcast in our Help article here.

Step 2: Import Your Podcast to the New RedCircle Account

Importing is essentially what it sounds like; we get a copy of your entire show including episodes, descriptions, images, and other metadata.

If you created a brand new RedCircle account, then you should see two options on the home page: “Import Podcast” or “Create New Podcast”. Click on Import Podcast:

If you're moving the podcast over to an already established RedCircle account, then you simply click on the Add Podcast button located on the top-right side of the page and select Import Podcast:

Either way, this pop-up should then appear:

Enter either the name of your podcast or your current RedCircle RSS Feed to bring up your show. You will be asked to confirm ownership of your podcast after locating it. Finally, click the Import button to initiate the importing process. It may take several minutes for the import to complete.

Step 3: Set Up a Redirect from the Old RedCircle Account

The next step is to set up a 301 redirect from the old RedCircle account to the new RedCircle account.

To do so, simply copy the RSS Feed for the newly imported version of your show. You can find the RSS Feed on the Podcast’s Page:

Click on the papers icon to copy the RSS Feed URL to your clipboard.

Next, log in to your old RedCircle account and open the podcast’s page. Click on the three dots (...) in the corner and select Remove Podcast from the drop-down menu:

You should then be taken to the Podcast Removal page. Click on the Redirect Podcast drop-down to populate the required text boxes:

Select Other as the “New Hosting Platform”, enter the RSS Feed URL for the newly imported version of your show in the “New RSS Feed” text box, and enter whatever you’d like in the “Why are you leaving” text box.

Mark the checkbox and then click the red Redirect button. And that’s it! Your show should now be redirected to the new RedCircle account.

Step 4: Verify the Redirect

On the new RedCircle account, navigate to the podcast’s page and click on the “Verify Redirect” link in the yellow banner. This page should pop up on your screen:

Simply click the red Verify Redirect button to verify!

Be sure not to make any changes to your show between importing it and redirecting it. Otherwise, you may need to start the entire migration process over again.