Advertiser Team Seats Permissions

Understanding and assigning access permissions for your advertising team in RedCircle Ad Platform (RAP)

Advertiser Team Seats are an excellent way to grant multiple people access to the campaigns on your account. The feature allows your whole team to view and work on your campaigns without needing to share login credentials.

Each Team Seat comes with its own dedicated login. Each seat can be customized to the specific level of access desired for every member of your organization: marketing directors, media buyers, media planners, media operations and reconciliation – you name it! 

As an advertiser, you can have unlimited team seats on your account.

To add a user or adjust permissions for another user, you’ll need to have Admin access at the default level. You can check who has this permission by navigating to Account > Team Seats.

Types of Permissions

  • Default Permissions: For each user, you can decide what you want their baseline level of access to campaigns should be.
    • If there’s a specific campaign or folder where they should have more or less access than their default, you can set that on the individual campaign or folder level. For example, a user that should always have admin access on any campaign should have their default set to Admin.
    • Or, you might have a user that should only see a few of the campaigns on your account – for that user, you can set the default to No Access, and then later selectively grant access to only the campaigns they’ll need.
    • You can think of this as the permission setting that will be the default level of access for the user on every campaign or folder unless a campaign-level or folder-level permission is set for that user on a specific campaign or folder. 
  • Folder-Specific Permissions: Folder-specific permissions allow you to grant additional access, or reduce or remove access, to a specific folder of campaigns for a user. If there are no specific permissions on the folder, default permissions will be used. 
  • Campaign-Specific Permissions: Campaign-specific permissions allow you to grant additional access, or reduce or remove access, to an individual campaign for a user. Any campaign without specific permissions will follow the permissions set on its containing folder.  

The default, folder-specific, and campaign-specific permissions are available at 3 levels:

  • Viewer: This permission level allows users to listen to ad reads, download links to the mp3 files of the ad reads, and download delivery reporting
  • Editor: This permission level includes everything in Viewer, plus the ability to request an audio swap and pause the campaign, edit the campaign, browse additional podcasts to add to the campaign, and negotiate CPMs for the campaign. Editors are also notified when scripts are due.
  • Admin: This permission level includes everything in the Editor plus to organize campaigns into folders.
    • To create and send new campaigns to podcasters, users must be granted Admin permission at the account default level. 

You can also set an individual folder or campaign to No Access, which removes all access including viewer access for that user.

Email Notifications: Org Owners (and any users with edit or admin access at the default, folder, or campaign level) receive email notifications related to those campaigns. Users with Viewer permission or No Access do not receive campaign email notifications.

Org Owner, Admin, and Editor users receive the following emails:

  • Campaign Item Expires
  • Ad Audio Swap Completed
  • Podcaster Responses to Campaign Invitation
  • Podcaster Ad Audio Uploads
  • Reminders to Provide Promo Codes for Products (if applicable)
  • Script Due Reminder

See below for a complete breakdown of each permission level:

  Viewer Editor Admin
View Campaign
View Campaign Reporting √*
Browse Podcasts  
Edit Campaign
(includes requesting an audio swap)
Negotiate Rates   √*
Organize Campaigns    √**
Send Campaigns    
Create New Campaigns     (at account default level only)

*Campaign permissions can be partially customized by the overall org/account admin, with these customization options:

  • View Campaign Reporting can be toggled on or off for “Viewer” permissions
  • Negotiate Rates can be toggled on or off for “Editor” permissions

** To move a campaign into a different folder, you must have the "Organize Campaign" permission on both the campaign and the folder you wish to move it into.

Removing Access

You can remove or revoke access from a specific user in a few different ways:

  • Assign them “No Access” permissions on an individual campaign or folder 
  • Move a campaign into a folder that they already don’t have access to
  • Delete their account (permanently removes access from all campaigns on your account) by clicking the Trash Bin icon next to their name under Team Members

Recommendations for Team Permissions Setup

For large teams, we recommend setting each user’s default permission at the lowest level you want for this user (for example, no access or viewer) and then granting additional access to the specific folders or campaigns where the user needs editor or admin access.

For example, let’s say you have a team of media buyers, media planners, and an operations coordinator. Your buyers want to be able to set up and send their own campaigns for their specific brands; your planners want to be able to add and remove podcasts from the shopping cart for their specific brands; and your operations coordinator just needs to be able to view reporting for all of the campaigns.

Your buyers and planners only need to see campaign information for their specific brands, but your operations coordinator needs to see reporting across all campaigns. To accommodate all that, you’d set up the following default permissions on each of their user/team seat records like so:


Default User Permissions

Folder/Campaign Specific Permissions

Ops Coordinator


None needed (the default gets them everything they need)

Media Planners

No Access

Editor access to the specific campaigns or folder of campaigns they need

Media Buyers

No Access

Admin access to the specific campaigns or folder of campaigns they need

Having any trouble? Our Ad Ops team would be happy to lend you a hand! You can email them or submit a request for help through our Contact Form below: